Criminal Law Attorneys In Panama


The criminal defense lawyers in Panama see a wide variety of cases, from simple cases to extradition cases. We are a located in Panama.

The criminal process in Panama is governed by the Accusatory Criminal System (Sistema Penal Acusatorio en Panamá), and one of the main reasons for its implementation was to speed up criminal proceedings because late justice is not justice.

Our accusatory criminal system (Sistema Penal Acusatorio) is a justice system that was already being used in other countries in the region until it finally reached Panama.

It is evident that with the change from the inquisitorial system to the accusatory penal system, criminal proceedings in Panama have become faster, and every year we improve all the details between judges, prosecutors, and lawyers to have a better justice system in the country.

The accusatory criminal system is made up of four phases.

Investigation phase:

The process begins in this phase, and it can last several months—between 6 and 8 months, depending on each case.

Intermediate phase:

This stage begins at the end of the investigation phase, and the prosecutor has ten days to announce it.

This stage is also known as negotiation, because in some cases, both the victim and the accused can negotiate.There are some crimes that can be negotiated; there are other crimes that cannot.

If both parties manage to negotiate, the process can be ended.

Once the intermediate phase is finished, the oral trial phase begins.

Oral Trial Phase:

This is the stage where both parties present their respective defenses and where the respective evidence will be supported.

Compliance phase:

This is the last phase, and it is where the judge makes his decision and the execution of the sentence is carried out.

Criminal defense lawyers in Panama

Panama is considered the most developed country in Central America, which attracts many people from different parts of the world for work or business reasons. This migratory flow often brings all kinds of situations with it.

If you have been arrested or have any type of problem in Panama, it is critical that you understand your legal options.

Every person who has been detained has the right to have a defense, and this is contemplated in the Constitution of our country.

For criminal cases, it is important to have a lawyer because it can make the difference between getting out of jail quickly or spending months or even years in detention, simply due to ignorance.

There are actions that are taken when the person has been arrested, and a lawyer who handles the process and has the resources to file is important. The lawyer will use his experience and knowledge to request a favorable measure for his client.

We are located in Panama City, and we have fourteen years of experience.

We have a team of specialized criminal lawyers who can help you at any stage of the process, whether you are a victim or an accused. 

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